GAP Shirts navy / hvid
Part Two Bluse 'Gimaline' lyseblå
GAP Shirts lysegrå / sort
iets frans Overdel 'COREY' rød / sort
comma casual identity Overdel grøn / hvid
Alife and Kickin Sweatjakke 'AKBernadette' marin
comma casual identity Pullover cappuccino / lys pink / hvid
Jacey Quinn Pullover brun / petroleum
WE Fashion Bluse lysegrøn
WE Fashion Overdel lysegrøn
WE Fashion Shirts brun
Soccx Shirts mørkeblå / hvid
WE Fashion Shirts offwhite
WE Fashion Shirts violetblå
WE Fashion Shirts turkis / sølvgrå
WE Fashion Shirts blandingsfarvet
Soft Rebels Pullover natblå
EDITED Shirts 'Kareene' sort
Pull&Bear Pullover lysebrun / antracit
Freequent Bluse 'BLISS' sort
Alife and Kickin Shirts 'Lea' beige-meleret
Calli Shirts 'JAY' gul
JJXX Pullover 'Layla' sort / hvid
Moves Overdel 'Clarkie' sort
comma casual identity Cardigan oliven
MSCH COPENHAGEN Pullover 'Eslina Rachelle' sort
EDITED Shirts 'Domenica' hvid
Cloud5ive Cardigan sand / hvid
Samsøe Samsøe Overdel 'Sharon' sort
VIVANCE Shirts 'Dreams' grøn
Samsøe Samsøe Overdel 'Slip 6202' sort
VIVANCE Shirtbody sort / hvid
BEACH TIME Overdel turkis / blå-meleret / grå / grå-meleret